

刘 业 博士  






工作经历:2023年回到安徽师范大学化学与材料学院工作,获国家高层次人才计划支持。曾经任新加坡材料研究与工程院(IMRE)三级资深研究员和研究协调部副部长,创立和主持日用化学技术攻关项目 (CCT) (1999-2021),中国科学技术大学讲师和教授 (1998-2004),安徽大学助理研究员 (1991-1994) 和安徽师范大学助教 (1986-1988)。

教育经历:1986年安徽师范大学化学系理学学士;1991年中国科学院长春应用化学研究所理学硕士;1998年中国科学技术大学高分子材料科学与工程系 (东京大学联合培养一年) 理学博士。



● 可持续发展产业材料:以实现减污、节能等绿色发展,如“价廉物美”的固态碳捕获材料,减少环境污染的高分子材料技术等。

● 生物医用高分子材料:以制备更好的抗癌药物、基因和检测试剂的包裹输送体系



● 要求:“国内985高校/中科院或国外高水平高校/研究所博士毕业,近3年在JACS, Angew, Adv. Mater.等相当层次期刊发表论文不少于1篇或在学科重要期刊发表论文不少于3篇。“三名工程”(名校、名导、成名作)人才优先考虑。

● 待遇:一般按照学校现行人才招聘标准兑现


● 基于1)三元胺的Michael 加成聚合反应,2)聚乙烯胺接枝改性壳聚糖和碳纳米管,3)高分子功能化中空二氧化硅纳米球,构建了生物医用高分子材料平台,得到了一些较好的基因、抗癌药物和成像剂的包裹体系。

● 阐述了聚酰亚胺化学环化反应机理,建立了聚酰亚胺交联法、一步超支化聚酰亚胺制备法、聚酰亚胺电泳技术和低介电常数聚酰亚胺薄膜的制备方法。

● 与世界一流公司合作,研究开发洗发香波流变调节剂、增强活性护发成分在发质受损部位附着助剂、固体日用产品有效成份智能包裹体系,洗衣液用防污渍剂包裹体系,及功效更高抗菌剂;研制轻型高压电缆;探明印刷线路板缺陷形成机制;研制家用净水器和高速凹印罩光油。

● 聚酰亚胺电泳技术、功能成份智能包裹技术已转让给公司;开发的家用净水器和高速凹印罩光油进入市场。

● 获奖:1991年中国科学院院长优秀奖;2002年中国科学院海外杰出人才项目

● 发表的工作:100多篇文章(https://publons.com/researcher/1735400/ye-liu), 19个专利,1本专著,3个专著章节,三十多个会议报告。代表性文章如下:

1. Ady Suwardi, Fuke Wang, Kun Xun, Ming-Yong Han, Peili Teo, Pei Wang, Shijie Wang, Ye Liu, Enyi Ye, Zibiao Li, Xian Jun Loh, Machine Learning-Driven Biomaterials Evolution, Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2102703.

2. Weiren Cheng, Decheng Wu,* Ye Liu*. Michael Addition Polymerization of Trifunctional Amine and Acrylic Monomer: A Versatile Platform for Development of Biomaterials, Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17, 3115-3126.

3. Wei Ren, Xiaoyong Pan, Guan Wang, Weiren Cheng and Ye Liu*. Dodecylated lignin-g-PLA for effective toughening of PLA. Green Chemistry, 2016, 18, 5008-5014.

4. Xiaoyong Pan, Guan Wang, Chee Leng Lay, Beng Hong Tan, Chaobin He, Ye Liu*, Photoluminescence from Amino-Containing Polymer in the Presence of CO2: Carbamato Anion Formed as a Fluorophore, Scientific Reports, 2013, 3, 2763.

5. Yuan Ping, Decheng Wu, Jatin Nitin Kumar, Weiren Cheng, Chee Leng Lay, and Ye Liu*, Redox-responsive hyperbanched poly(amido amine)s with tertiary amine cores for gene delivery. Biomacromolecules, 2013, 14, 2083-2094.

6. Chee Leng Lay, Hui Ru Tan, Xuhong Lu*, Ye Liu*. pH-Responsive Poly(methacrylic acid)-Graft-Hollow Silica Vesicles. Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 2504-2509.

7. De Cheng Wu,* Xian Jun Loh, Yun-Long Wu, Chee Leng Lay, and Ye Liu*. ‘Living’ Controlled in situ Gelling Systems: Thiol-disulfide Exchange Method towards Tailor-made Biodegradable Hydrogels. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 15140-15143.

8. B. H. Tan, H. Hussain, K. C. Chaw, G. H. Dickinson, C. S. Gudipati, W. R. Birch*, S. L. M. Teo, C. B.He, Y. Liu*, T. P. Davis*, Barnacle repellent nanostructured surfaces formed by the self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolymers, Polymer Chemistry, 2010, 1(3), 276-279.

9. Chee Leng Lay, Hui Qi Liu, Decheng Wu, Ye Liu* Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-graft-Hollow Silica Vesicles for Drug Delivery. Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 3001-3004.

10. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Chaobin He, Thermal- and pH-responsive Degradable Polymers, Macromolecules, 2008, 41, 18.

11. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu,* Xuan Jiang, Chaobin He, Suat Hong Goh, Kam W. Leong, Hyperbranched Poly(amino ester)s with Different Terminal Amine Groups for DNA Delivery, Biomacromolecules, 2006, 7, 1879.

12. Kokhou Wong, Guobin Sun, Xueqing Zhang, Hui Dai, Ye Liu*, Chaobin He, Kam W. Leong, PEI-g-chitosan, a novel gene delivery system with transfection efficiency comparable to polyethylenimine in vitro and after liver administration in vivo, Bioconjugate Chem., 2006, 17, 152.

13. Ye Liu*, Decheng Wu, Weide Zhang, Xun Jiang, Chaobin He, Tai Shung Chung, Suat Hong Goh, Kam W. Leong, Polyethylenimine (PEI)-Grafted Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Secure Noncovalent Immobilization and Efficient Delivery of DNA, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 4782.

14. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu* ,Chaobin He, Suat Hong Goh, Blue Photoluminescence from Hyperbranched Poly(amino ester)s, Macromolecules, 2005, 38, 9906. (One of the most accessed paper in 2006 in Macromolecules)

15. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Xuan Jiang, Ling Chen, Chaobin He, Suat Hong Goh, Kam W. Leong, Evaluation of Hyperbranched Poly(amino ester)s of Amine Constitutions Similar to Polyethylenimine for DNA Delivery, Biomacromolecules, 2005, 6, 3166.

16. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Lin Chen, Chaobin He, Tai Shung Chung, Suat Hong Goh, 2A2 + BB’B” Approach to Hyperbranched Poly(amino ester)s, Macromolecules, 2005, 38, 5519.

17. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Chaobin He, Tai Shung Chung, Suathong Goh, Effect of Chemistries on Michael Addition Polymerization with Diacrylates, Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 6763.

18. Ye Liu*, Decheng Wu, Yuexia Ma, Guoping Tang, Shu Wang, Chaobin He, Taishung Chung, Suathong Goh, Novel Poly(amino ester)s Obtained from Michael Addition Polymerizations of Trifunctional Amine Monomers with Diacrylates: Safe and Efficient DNA Carriers, Chem. Comm., 2003, 2630-2631.

19. Ye Liu*, Tai Shung Chung, Facile Synthesis of Hyperbranched Polyimides from A2+ BB2’ monomers, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem., 2002, 40 (24), 4563.

20. Ye Liu, Rong Wang, Tai Shung Chung, Chemical Cross-linking Modification of Polyimide Membranes for Gas Separation, J. Memb. Sci., 2001, 189, 231.

21. Ye Liu, Lixin Wang, and Caiyuan Pan, Synthesis of Block Copoly(styrene-b-p-nitrophenyl methacrylate) and Its Derivatives by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. Macromolecules, 1999, 32(25), 8301.

22. Ye Liu*, Meng-Xian Ding, and Ji-Ping Xu, Gas Permeabilities and Permselectivity of Photochemically Crosslinked Polyimides, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1995, 58, 485.

23. Ye Liu*, Meng-Xian Ding, and Ji-Ping Xu, Investigation on Chemical Cyclization of Poly(amic acid), Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. (in Chinese), 1994, 10, 24.

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