

陈硕 副教授 硕士生导师





· 2016-2019,博士,有机、矿物与工业化学,法国国家科学研究中心-里尔大学,法国

· 2012-2015,硕士,化学工艺,中国石油化工集团公司石油化工科学研究院,北京,中国

· 2008-2012,学士,化学工程与工艺, 中国石油大学(华东),青岛,中国


· 2019-2021,博士后,法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS),法国

从事新型催化材料研发(MOFs, 氧化硅, 碳材料, 金属氧化物,(非)贵金属基催化剂),应用于生物质平台分子加氢催化制取高附加值化学品 (与法国普瓦捷大学IC2MP实验室合作),肟类有机物催化氧化(与西班牙巴伦西亚理工大学ITQ实验室合作),不饱和烃选择性加氢(与摩洛哥菲斯欧洲-地中海大学合作),基于试验与DFT模拟计算研究VOCs催化氧化 (与法国洛林大学LPCT实验室合作)等。研究开发多孔材料(MOFs, ZSM-5, SBA-15, FDU-16, Co/Ni/SBA-15等)规模化生产工艺。

· 2016-2019,博士课题,UCCS实验室,IC2MP实验室,里尔大学,普瓦捷大学,法国


· 2013-2015,硕士课题,中国石油化工集团公司石油化工科学研究院,北京,中国

CoMo/γ-Al2O3 催化剂改性;柴油加氢脱硫脱芳。

· 2012,学士课题,重质油国家实验室,中国石油大学,青岛,中国



1. 能源催化

2. 环境催化

3. 界面催化


· Chen, Shuo; Gueddida, Saber; Badawi, Michael; Lebègue, Sebastien; Giraudon, Jean-Marc; Dhainaut, Jeremy; Royer, Sebastien; Lamonier, Jean-Francois. Unravelling the Critical Role of Silanol in Pt/SiO2 for Room Temperature HCHO Oxidation: An Experimental and DFT Study. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2023, 122672.

· Chen, Shuo; Priscilla M. de Souza; Ciotonea, Carmen; Maya Marinova; Wojcieszak, Robert ; Dumeignil, Franck; Royer, Sébastien. Micro-/mesopores confined ultrasmall Cu nanoparticles in SBA-15 as a highly efficient and robust catalyst for furfural hydrogenation to furfuryl alcohol. Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 2022, 118527.

· Hammi Nisrine; Chen, Shuo; Primo, Ana; Royer, Sebastien; Garcia, Hermenegildo; El Kadib, Abdelkrim. Shaping MOFs oxidation catalysts through structure directing growth inside the chitosan aerogel microspheres. Green. Chem. 2022.

· Hammi Nisrine; Chen, Shuo; Michon, Christophe; Royer, Sebastien; El Kadib, Abdelkrim. Cu nanoparticles embedded on reticular chitosan-derived N-doped carbon: application to the catalytic hydrogenation of alkenes, alkynes and N-heteroarenes. Mol. Catal., 2022, 519, 112104.

· Chen, Shuo; Ciotonea, Carmen; Vigier, Karine ; Jérôme, François; Wojcieszak, Robert ; Dumeignil, Franck ; Marceau, Eric; Royer, Sébastien. Hydroconversion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-dimethylfuran and 2,5-dihydroxymethyltetrahydrofuran over non-promoted Ni/SBA-15. Chemcatchem. 2020.

· Hammi, Nisrine; Chen, Shuo; Dumeignil, Franck; Royer, Sébastien; A.El Kadib. Chitosan as a sustainable precursor for nitrogen-containing carbon nanomaterials: synthesis and uses. Materials Today Sustainability. 2020, 10, 100053.

· Chen, Shuo; Ciotonea, Carmen; Ungureanu, Adrian; Dumitriu, Emil; Catrinescu, Cezar; Wojcieszak, Robert; Dumeignil, Franck; Royer, Sébastien. Preparation of nickel (oxide) nanoparticles confined in the secondary pore network of mesoporous scaffolds using melt infiltration. Catal. Today. 2019, 334, 48-58.

· Chen, Shuo; Wojcieszak, Robert; Dumeignil, Franck; Marceau, Eric; Royer, Sébastien. How Catalysts and Experimental Conditions Determine the Selective Hydroconversion of Furfural and 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural. Chem. Rev. 2018, 118 (22), 11023–11117.

· Chen, Shuo; Chen, Wenbin; Long, Xiangyun; Nie Hong. Influence of the promoter of Co-Mo/γ-Al2O3 on the hydrogen consumption in hydrodesulfrization reaction. Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section). 2016, 32(2), 244-253.


· 2022,TOCAT9,The critical role of Si-OH in Pt/SiO2 for room temperature HCHO oxidation,Oral presentation,福冈,日本

· 2021,HTCD2021,Selective Hydroconversion of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to Biofuels over Micro-meso Pore Well-confined Monometallic Ni/SBA-15,Oral presentation,里尔,法国

· 2019,FCCat 2,Selective Hydroconversion of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to Biofuels: Comparison of Ni/SBA-15 and Cu/SBA-15 Catalysts,Oral presentation,弗雷瑞斯,法国

· 2019,EuropaCat 2019,Biomass Valorisation to Value-added Products: Developement of Non-promoted Ni/SBA-15 and Cu/SBA-15 Catalysts,Oral presentation,亚琛,德国

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